The Cross Maker
Salvation Testimony I was 34 years old when I was saved and became a Christian. I knew about Jesus and the cross at an early age. I knew in my own heart then that I had rejected the gospel message of the cross, God’s love gift, by sending His own Son Jesus Christ to shed His blood and die on the cross for the payment of my sin. Jesus then rose the third day and ascended into heaven to the right hand of God on the throne. On April 15th, 1990, I understood by the preaching of the Gospel Message and the conviction of the Holy Spirit that I was a lost sinner that needed to be forgiven and saved from the eternal judgment of God in Hell. That day I believed by faith in the gospel of the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross that paid the eternal penalty for all my sins, and His resurrection from the dead that gives me hope and assurance of my future resurrection of eternal life in Heaven. From that very day my desire immediately was to begin reading and obeying God's word and pr...