The Love That Binds Us Together

  Song Insights

It was the love of Jesus on that cross that binds Christians together in that love.

The Love That Binds Us Together

Chorus: The love that binds us together,
is the love that was shown on that cross.

1. It was on that cross, where He suffered and died,
It was on that cross, where they pierced His side.
Chorus: The love that binds us together,
is the love that was shown on that cross.

2. Then they took Him down and laid Him in a tomb,
After three days, He arose from the grave.

Chorus: The love that binds us together,
is the love that was shown on that cross.

3. He was seen by many for forty days,
He went up on that cloud to be with His Father.

Chorus: The love that binds us together,
is the love that was shown on that cross.

Ending: Is the love that was show on that cross.

Words and music by Kenny Hott © 2006